Agenda 2017

Location: MIT Location: Stata Center
Schedule: Date: 3/30/2017
Format: Discussions & short talks. We will have a projector for minimal slides and everyone will be on GoToMeeting or WEBEX so that they can show a slide or flash a paper or scribble as needed, but slides are not required for any part of the workshop this year. Note: designated student(s) will take notes at the plenaries as well as in each discussion group break out
8:00 Arrival / registration / continental breakfast
8:30 Session 1: Introduction and determination of discussion topics
8:30 Saikat Guha Welcome Remarks, Description of SIPQNP 2017 Format and Agenda
8:40 Introductions by Participants Every participant has 30 seconds to say what they work on and what they’re particularly interested in getting from this workshop
9:25 Everyone writes (up to) 3 areas of interest on notepads (at their tables). An “area of interest” can be as broad to as narrow as one wishes. It could be a purely theoretical concept, an important theoretical issue tied to an experimental goal, or a generic or specific bulk and/or integrated photonic device or technology.

Examples: quantum repeaters, CV quantum computing, routing entanglement in a quantum network, error correction for protecting against photon loss, single-photon non-linearities, photon number resolving detectors, on-chip single photon sources, photonic interconnects for ion trap qubits, high-Q nonlinear photonic resonators, programmable linear optics, etc.

9:40 Moderator (Dirk Englund) asks people to volunteer topics (random sampling until no one suggests a new topic that is not already on the board). Moderator categorizes areas of interest into 6 discussion groups: three on application areas (for afternoon discussion groups breakout A), and three focused on devices (for afternoon discussion groups breakout B). The moderator tries to do this in a way that each discussion group will have some interest from some intersection of at least 2 but ideally all 3 of the three major research communities represented at the SIPQNP. The moderator may incorporate suggestions from the attendees on the grouping. The moderator then solicits and elects one representative / lead for each of 6 discussion topics.
10:15 (break and posters)
10:30 Plenary talk by Prem Kumar
11:00 Panel discussion with the 6 discussion group leads on stage.  Moderated by Prem Kumar The goal of this panel discussion is to have an initial discussion on the groups’ topical areas, and identify some discussion goals in a plenary setting. Each discussion group lead has 5 minutes to summarize their thoughts on what they would like their groups to accomplish in the afternoon sessions. Examples of end goal of a session in a potential Discussion Group II on “single photon sources” might be: to determine (a) How good our single photon sources are today and what key areas do they need improving? (b) How to get there, and what are the major challenges that need addressing?
12:00 Lunch and informal discussions Student Street, Stata Center
13:00 Session II Discussion Groups A: Application Areas
13:00 Three breakout groups have individual discussions for one hour. For each application area discussed in the three breakout groups, identify specific device needs that may be driven by the applications — to be presented at the following plenary session — in order to drive/inform the discussion group B topic areas. A student will be present at each of the discussion groups to help take notes to assist the discussion group lead.
14:00 Reconvene: every team presents for 15 minutes (+ 15 minutes discussion) Each of the three discussion groups should nominate up to two important topics for a 30-minute topical session for day 2 that should be discussed with everyone in the audience. The discussion groups have the freedom to organize these 30-minute “hot topic” sessions however they want. For example, they could do multiple 1-slide short talks on new results and pressing questions that they think they would like to share with the wider community, followed by open discussion.
15:00 (break and posters)
15:30 Session III Discussion Groups B: Devices
15:30 Three breakout groups have individual discussions for one hour. Each discussion group in this category will focus on a specific photonic device or category of devices. The discussions should be guided by device performance needs and timeline identified in the Session II summaries. Identify recent progress, primary research challenges, primary development challenges, timelines for meeting those, etc.
16:30 Reconvene: every team presents for 15 minutes (+ 15 minutes discussion) Each of the three discussion groups should nominate up to two important topics for a 30-minute topical session for day 2 that should be discussed with everyone in the audience. The discussion groups have the freedom to organize these 30-minute “hot topic” sessions however they want. For example, they could do multiple 1-slide short talks on new results and pressing questions that they think they would like to share with the wider community, followed by open discussion.
17:30 Reception in Kendall Marriott
18:30 Dinner banquet in Kendall Marriott  Speaker: J. F. Mergen, Chief Scientist, BBN Technologies
Location: MIT Location: Stata Center
Schedule: Date: 3/31/2017
Format: Discussions & short talks. We will have a projector for minimal slides and everyone will be on GoToMeeting or WEBEX so that they can show a slide or flash a paper or scribble as needed, but slides are not required for any part of the workshop this year. Note: designated student(s) will take notes at the plenaries as well as in each discussion group break out
8:30 Session IV Hot topics
8:30 Saikat Guha Recap of day 1 and plan for day 2
Discussion group A plenaries: Applications
8:45 Discussion group A1, plenary session
9:15 Discussion group A2, plenary session
9:45 Discussion group A3, plenary session
10:15 (break)
10:30 Moderated discussion: discussion lead TBD
12:00 Lunch
Discussion group B plenaries: Devices
13:30 Discussion group B1, plenary session
14:00 Discussion group B2, plenary session
14:30 Discussion group B3, plenary session
15:00 (break)
15:30 Moderated discussion: discussion lead TBD
17:00 Zac Dutton, BBN Closing remarks and vote of thanks
17:15 Adjourn